
"Considering how much I love Richard Chiem's writing, and given how its uncanny snare and sweep of life's especially agile, prompt, messed, lithe, sharp, and heartbreaking things leaves me stiffed of summarizing words, I think I'll just nominate his work for immortality."

- Dennis Cooper, author of The Marbled Swarm

"Richard Chiem writes of all the weirdness and ooziness and tenderness of young love, with such lucid specificity. Like some beautiful film from the 70s, but also distinctly now. Because I also love how in this book he documents the tremors of contemporary existence, of living and working in a city, measuring days not in coffee spoons but in cigarettes and Simpsons episodes."

Kate Zambreno, author of Green Girl  and Heroines

"Richard Chiem's You Private Person is a bustling prism of a thing, full of passages that actually lead somewhere off of the paper. His words have brains that have bodies that wake you up in the way waking can be the best thing, like into a warm room full of good calm remembered things that feel both like relics and new inside the day. Here rings a wise and bravely sculpted book packed full of stunning thankful color."

Blake Butler, author of There is No Year

available here

3:am magazine // sky up

artifice magazine // 4 // no school five / print

the best of alt lit short stories // how to survive a car accident

cityarts magazine // print september issue // back pockets full of dynamite

corium magazine // 6 // savannah

decomP // reasons why we could not be men in the movie Centurion

detainees // dear linh dinh
metazen // gmail chat // a mini comic by richard chiem and phillip rex huddleston // featuring richard chiem and phillip rex huddleston and frank hinton

metazen // no school poems three + four
monkeybicycle // when she pets the back of my neck i can be an animal // nominated for Pushcart Prize

mud luscious press // 15 // we are a gold mine

my name is mud // pets with insomnia
new wave vomit // 74 // old tampons // nominated for best of the web // 2011 // dzanc books
new wave vomit // 80 // truth serum

the newer york // little life

no news today // waste a little shaving cream
pangur ban party // what if, wendy // an e book

poor claudia // diminishing returns

pop serial // 2 // 3 stories / old tampons + voice over animation + serendipity // print

pop serial // 3 // cities

pop serial // 4 // deserters
purple and gray // treasure hunter

red lightbulbs // 9 // new monkey / w/ Jessamyn Bateman-Iino

the scrambler // 45 // baby is going to die tonight

slab literary magazine // 6 // animals with expression // print

smalldoggies magazine // baby is going to die tonight

smalldoggies magazine // baby is going to die tonight // print
tenían veinte años y estaban locos // serio // a spanish translation, selected by Luna Miguel

thought catalog // excerpt from 'animal' (ypp)

thought catalog // how to survive a car accident

thunderclap press // napowrmo 2011 chapbook // no school poems one

titular journal // planet b boy

universal error // love in the club

universal error // soap opera: deserters

universal error // soap opera episode one: ellen page

unsure if i will allow for my beard to grow for much longer // film studies (reading beauty talk & monsters)
forthcoming /

scrambler books // you private person : stories (2012)

other /

dennis cooper's the weaklings // DC covers WHAT IF, WENDY
ear eater // 4 // the apocalyptic absurd / tumblr // featuring Blake Butler, Richard Chiem, Lindsay Hunter, Emily Jones and Mike Kitchell
fix it broken // the youth is write series // Richard Chiem interviewed by Frank Hinton
fix it broken // the youth is write series // Steve Roggenbuck interviewed by Richard Chiem
noo weekly // 1 May 2011 // edited by Richard Chiem / featuring Luna Miguel, Steve Roggenbuck, Frank Hinton, Timothy Willis Sanders, and Ana C.
orange alert podcast // episode 62 : laughing at wasabi // Richard Chiem / leslie cheung jumps off my building closes his eyes and then sings a song we both know and love
orange alert podcast // episode 63 : tell me the truth // Richard Chiem / Planet B Boy
slog // Paul Constant re APRIL LIT CRAWL
the weaklings library // features WHAT IF, WENDY

reviews / 

critique manque // Morgan Myers reviews STORIES in POP SERIAL 2
dead end on progressive ave // Eric Beeny reviews WHAT IF, WENDY // e book
full stop // fiction weekly (May 12) // Ryan Nelson reviews WE ARE A GOLD MINE
html giant // Matthew Simmons reviews OH NO EVERYTHING IS WET NOW
i don't respect female expression // Frank Hinton reviews WHAT IF, WENDY // e book
i don't respect female expression // Frank Hinton reviews OH NO EVERYTHING IS WET NOW
the lit pub // Alexander Allison covers OH NO EVERYTHING IS WET NOW
vouched books // Tyler Gobble reviews OH NO EVERYTHING IS WET NOW

the stranger // Paul Constant reviews YPP